Lauren Green McAfee: Only One Life
“Faith is a muscle, and it needs exercise.”
My guest today is Lauren Green McAfee. Lauren is a third generation member of the Green Family- founders of Hobby Lobby and the Museum of the Bible. While pursuing her graduate degrees in pastoral counseling and theology, Lauren worked at Museum of the Bible from its founding days, until its opening in Washington DC late last year. Today, she works at Hobby Lobby as Corporate Ambassador and is also pursuing her PHD in Ethics and Public Policy. She lives in Oklahoma City with her husband, Michael.
Lauren has spent considerable time studying the topic of legacy and the idea that each of us can play a unique and irreplaceable role in God’s story. In today’s episode, she talks about why she feels it’s important to address legacy today, particularly as it relates to women.
She challenges women to live with their legacy in mind in a book she wrote in partnership with her mom, Jackie. Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy tells the stories of world-changing women, both past and present. She learned a lot after examining the lives of these women, and you will be blessed to hear what she found out.
I hope today’s interview inspires you to leave a lasting legacy for Jesus, no matter where life takes you.
You only have one, so make it count.