JJ & Dave Heller: The Value of Vulnerability

I remember seeing her play at church years ago and saying to myself, “There is something special about her.” I even walked down the aisle to her song “Where I Land” (Click here to listen to it).
What I love about her music is that it speaks straight into the feelings of doubt and worthlessness that most girls face. Finding out more about what inspires their songwriting was fun for me because they shared how they tap into God’s promises and the hope that is found in Him.
Her new album “Sound Of A Living Heart” is available now and you need to check it out. The song “Let Down Your Guard” – CHILLS. Chills because these words represent everything today’s girl needs to know there’s a God that loves her and that she is perfect just the way she is.
A masterpiece behind a curtain
You can download her new album. Do it. Her music can change your life (I know from personal experience, more than once).
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