Female Heroes of Color: Kellee Dawkins

Photo by Temi Coker
Kellee Dawkins is a business owner, wife, and creator of the #AndMeCampaign (we stalked her until we could ask her to include the women of the HEARD series, which she cleverly named the #AndMeTooCampaign. So. Stinkin’. Cute.). Kellee is a wedding and event planner who started a company with her husband called Fight For Joy, where their mission is to create a culture of fighting for joy, and their vision is to see couples fighting for joy in the Lord, in their marriage, and for the benefit of others. Kellee leads with her values and is faithful to the Lord in her gifts and talents–a true hero in our eyes. We got to ask Kellee a couple questions about bravery, and she gave us some powerful and insightful answers, take a look:
1.) What does it mean to be brave?
I believe being brave means standing in the knowledge of who we are. We can be brave women and girls because of the victory we have in Christ Jesus! It does not mean that we won’t experience fear in the face of difficult decisions or less than savory circumstances, but that we can charge ahead knowing the Lord is with us.
2.) Why is it important that we highlight heroes of color?
As a woman of color, it has always been important to see people that look like me thriving in their God-given gifts and abilities. It reminds me that despite what social constructs and other man-made institutions say, my Creator made no mistake in my design. I too am capable of living a life sold out for His glory! It is such a powerful statement to young girls of color and their counterparts to see a wide variety of heroes within their own communities and portrayed in the media they intake. A glimpse of heaven on earth starts with how we educate our children about who they are in Christ and how that impacts their worldview – one that lends itself to the hard work of racial reconciliation and true kinsmanship.
3.) Growing up, who was your hero and why?
The matriarchs in my family, specifically my grandmothers. Both my maternal and paternal grandmothers were such sweet spirits. I watched them give of themselves tirelessly even when it wasn’t convenient to do so. I learned poise and grace from them but most importantly I learned to do hard things because it was the right(eous) thing to do.
4.) What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
Follow Christ and allow my new identity in Him to shape how I interact with the world around me. The scripture says, “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:19)